Some extracts from a shoot in the Alps with Salomon for the new line of products Fall / Winter 2021.

Music by : Tessa Thompson - Grip (Ivy Lab's 20/20 Bootleg)

Gear :
BMPCC 4K // Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 // Canon FD 35-105mm F3.5

Nótt | MUSIC VIDEO & Live session

Gear :
BMPCC 4K // Ronin RS2 // Carl Zeiss Jena 20mm F2.8 // Vivitar 28mm F2.5

GOPRO | Products introduction

As a VR Specialist working at GoPro for few years, back in Septembre 2017 they invite me for 3 weeks of work with the Media Team in the HQ at San Francisco, working on post-production to clean and help finalize the 360 shots for the launch videos release of their new Fusion Camera, and on converting the 360 edits for projection in a dome for the official launch presentation, finding solutions to display flat content in a spherical video.

During summer 2022 I’ve also worked on a edit to present the line-up of these 3 new GoPro HERO11 cameras.
The edit I made was for the announcement presentation in September 2022 but never get public.
Few weeks later this edit has been re-work to maker it longer with more details on functionalities, so here is the finale version of the video, with parts of my edit in it.

IDDJ | Educational Stays & Vacation camp

Some extracts from two seasons shoot (Summer 2023 and Winter 2024) in the Alps with Isère Drôme Destination Juniors to promote their services helping young people to find the best educational stays and vacation camp to spend an beautiful adventure.
You can find all the videos done with them here.

Music by: Dope Lemon - The Midnight Slow

BMPCC 4K // Canon 24-105 F4 // Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 // Ronin RS2 // Mavic 2 Pro


Since few years I work with L’Ombra, a Franco-Italian band with rich and various music inspirations.
We have made severals live videos, clips, but also worked on educative project with young people to show them.

Here is the playlist with all the works have done with then.


Since the end of 2021, I work with my friends Youthie & Kino Doscun to create true live session recorded on the fly and mixed by Kino Doscun. The goal is simple: having one perfect take perfect for each song, in term of musical and video performances.
Here is the playlist with all the Live Sessions released.

Gear :
BMPCC 4K // Ronin RS2 // Sigma 18-35mm F1.8
Canon FD 24mm F2.8 // Helios 44-2 58mm F2 // Fujian 35mm (C-Mount)


Here is a short unofficial Commercial Ad I made to showcase the work created between 2019 and 2021 with Salomon, capturing and editing multiples series of footwear videos (more than 120), with the purpuse to be added along the all angle pictures on the online store.

Captured at “Studio Bergoend” in Annecy.

Music by: Emalkay - Aerosol

Gear : BMPCC 4K // Sigma 18-35mm F1.8


In 2021 I created a serie of “How-To” video with Salomon to explain all the functionnalities of bags and sport’s accessories, presented by Dom Granger (and Samba the Explorer).

Gear :
BMPCC 4K // Sigma 18-35mm F1.8 // Sony a6500 // Sony 18-105 F4


A contemplative and meditative travel film about our 10 days around Iceland in September 2019.
We have the chance to have more than one week of incridible weather, seing the Northern lights multiple times and a lot of very beautiful things there. This country is like travelling on another planet.
All this beauty give you more respect than ever for the planet where we live, the power of nature, unfortunatly we've seen way too much trash and cigarette butt on most of the famous touristic site, it's sad that even in front of the most beautiful places in the world people don't connect to it and don't think about the respect of the Earth that them came from.
Hope you had a nice moment watching that ♡

Music by : Kalya Scintilla - Hawaiian Creation Story (with Evoke)
Aphasia - MPFC Plasticity // Kiasmos - Lit // Desert Dwellers - Lotus Heart

Gear :
DJI Mavic 2 Pro // Sony A6500 // Sony 18-105mm F4 // Sony 10-18mm F4 // Sigma 30mm F1.4


As part of my program to support artistic expression, I accompanied MaddySpot during the summer of 2023 in the making of her documentary film “Jamais trop tard” (Never too late).

She had already filmed all the content, and was beginning to create her character's animations, before realizing how much work lay ahead of her to complete the project.

While giving her a few editing lessons and as much advice as I could for the rest of the adventure, I took charge of the overall post-production/editing of the entire film, working closely with her on the desired artistic direction and on the best way to tell her story.

This documentary deals with the processes of manipulation and control, how to detect them, how to get out of such relationships, and how to recover from them. Interviews with witnesses, as well as professional advice from Isabelle Nazare-Aga, psychotherapist and expert in the field, are key to helping people find their way out.

You can find the film here.
She has since developed her own Youtube channel and a series of podcasts.


On 25 July 2021, after a year and half of pause of music events due to the Covid and all of that, the Forever DnB Crew was organizing the first Drum and Bass party in Paris since a long time, at the nice spot of Cirque Electrique in Paris, and invite me to capture the event.

Music by : Monty - Spatia // Sunchase - Hello

Gear : BMPCC 4K // Sigma 18-35 F1.8 // Canon FD 50mm F1.4 // Tokina 11-20 F2.8


In 2016 I had the chance to work with Jean-Paul Gaultier to capture and edit his entire Spring-Summer 2017 show in 360 with multiple GoPro Omni to experiment a new collaboration and high quality use-case.

I’ve also made a "Behind the stitch" (BTS) for Kolor's software users to explain the workflow editing this kind of 360 videos.


(FRENCH) En Juin 2020 juste après le premier confinement, je suis parti suivre le groupe L'Ombra pour participer à une aventure de 10 jours impliquant des élèves du collège de Beaufort dans un projet culturel d'initiation à la création musicale pour lequel ils participeront à l'écriture de 4 morceaux. Le projet qui m’impliquait à la base était la création de clips avec les élèves pour chacun des morceaux, afin de leur faire découvrir le schéma complet de la naissance d'une idée, d’un thème, et de son évolution en une œuvre musicale jusqu'a sa mise en image. Mais un évènement que nous avons tous vécu est venu tout remettre en question …

Ce reportage est donc né pour mettre en image l’adaptation d’un projet qui avait commencé juste avant la pandémie, et qui malgré les nombreux challenges, comme le respect des contraintes d’une distanciation sociale très strictes, ne permettant pas aux élèves et aux musiciens d’être sur scène en même temps comme prévu, à su tout de même être porté jusqu’au bout.

L'idée ici à été de documenter cette aventure dans une sorte de nouvelle réalité où tout le monde est masqué, où les intermittents du spectacle et acteurs du monde culturel se voient forcer d’annuler toutes leurs dates et projets en public, mais également où les élèves se retrouvent à nouveau en classe après 2 mois chez eux, et se confronte pour la première fois à la création musicale, à une caméra, et donc à leur propre image ainsi qu'au regard des autres, dont il est difficile de se détacher, notamment à cet âge.

Vous pouvez retrouver ce reportage artistique de 45min, entre un projet culturel sérieux et une réalité pleine d’humour malgré un contexte très particulier, retraçant le parcours de cette aventure avec la réalisation des 4 clips qui ont pu voir le jour malgré les évènements, capturés entre le Collège de Beaufort et la Mjc de Chambéry - Le Totem.

Gear : Sony A6500 // Sony 18-105mm F4


During the cold winter of March 2022 I met Monstres in their nice home in the mountains to capture a Live Session with 4 of their songs. I call my friend Alex Bild to operate a second camera and help with the scene decoration.
Here is the playlist with all the individual live songs.

Gear :
BMPCC 4K // Helios 44-2 58mm F2 // Canon FD 24mm F2.8
+ Nikon Z6 and some others lens from Alex


In 2017 I had the chance to edit this entire video by myself (including 360 post-production, edit and color grading) few months before the GoPro Fusion was released.
The Golden State Warriors from Oakland had just won the NBA championships in 2017, and the GoPro Media Team was invited to capture the parade with a prototype of Fusion that we were still in developpement. They send me all of the files and I only had less than one week to make something with it with the Stiching and Reframing tools that we was working on in France.

So I worked with the developpers in the Alps office to have fonctionnal tools able to stitch the files, all being still in beta, and finally came to this edit that made million views.
An overcapture / reframing version was made also but never released.


Here some memories of my Boom adventure in 2018 to share this beautiful moment with my friends, loves and to all the people who couldn't be there. By forgetting a bit yourself you can have a new perspective and discover once again the beauty of our planet, this little rock floating in space called Earth with this beautiful moon always here to bring some light in the darkness, and by dancing with strangers from all over the world you realize the chance that we have to be here together.
In memory of my friend Chloé, to our last moments together at the Boom 2018 ♡

Music by : Liquid Bloom - Ceremony of the Heart (Re.Generations mix) // DRRTYWULVZ - Explosions
Sensient - Data Kids // Tipper - Fallow // Wraz - Desert Tales (Oudjat Remix)

Gear :
Sony A6500 // Samyang 12mm F2 // Sigma 30mm F1.4


Panobook was a contest of panoramic photographer produced by Kolor.
I was free to experiment with the promo videos of the 2015 and 2016 editions, giving life to these beautiful panoramic photographies.

Music by: Vallou


Few weeks after the release of the HERO7, as a freelance, I’ve create and edit 3 short tutorials according to scripts made by the GoPro training team, using shots from the launch video and BTS, but also making studio shoot from my side, to try in a simple way how to show basic functionalities, tips and tricks for consumers making the most of their camera.


During summer 2016 we was shooting 360 videos for one of the most popular event in the world, Le Tour de France !
They wanted to try 360 technology and they already had a partnership with GoPro, so the Media Team was looking for the only European guys they knew capable of shooting and edit 360: my colleagues Loic Bailliard, Loic Lanoir, and me.
We follow the Tour for 10 stages, 15 days of shooting with Omni, stitching and editing footage at night to send our best shot to the organisation that they can publish them day by day, had only 1 or 2h of sleep by nights, but it was so cool, and that was a huge evolution in my career at GoPro.
The original publications on Facebook have achieved more than 1 million views.


I made this serie of 7 videos for the GoPro Fusion camera and software to explain all the functionalities.
The script, VO and some B-Roll was writed and created in France, and footage sended by the USA Media Team.
I was taking care of all the editing, reframing, grading and motion design.


The GoPro Omni was just released, the first 360 camera by GoPro that we worked on with the Kolor Team.
I made this reframed version of the 360 edit made by the US Media Team, highlighting the best Omni footage they had, including our epic shot on the Champs-Elysée during the Tour de France 2016.
This reframed version was played at different GoPro events arround the world to promo the camera.